08/17/24: San Mateo Daily Journal: Getting Ready to Fight Fire with Fire at Butano State Park
08/03/24: The Daily Journal: New Habitat for Fish and Farmers in Pescadero
06/18/24: CAL FIRE: CAL FIRE Announces Cutting-Edge Scientific Research Grant Awards
02/06/24: Half Moon Bay Review: Big Ideas at Cunha’s Little Farm
12/22/23: The California Report: Conservationists Help Coho Salmon Return to Pescadero (Audio) (PDF)
12/14/23: The Daily Journal: Coho Salmon Habitat Restoration Underway in Pescadero
10/25/23: Half Moon Bay Review: Resource Conservation District Recounts 15 Years of Work
10/23: Overview of the Butano Channel Restoration and Resiliency Project (pg.73)
9/6/23: Half Moon Bay Review: RCD Argues for Removal of Eucalyptus in Pacifica
8/23/23: Half Moon Bay Review: RCD Plans Big Splash with Water Storage Grant
8/14/23: San Mateo Daily Journal: Food Hub: Connecting Farmers to Customers
7/24/23: Half Moon Bay Review: RCD Prompts Winning Projects on Coast
7/22/23: San Mateo Daily Journal: Fire Season Prep Now Year-Round in San Mateo County
7/20/23: Pacifica Tribune: Local Agency Envisions Hub to Help Area Farmers
7/5/23: Half Moon Bay Review: Butano State Park Slated for Forest Recovery Work
2023: An Environmental Regulation Paradigm Shift: The Cutting Green Tape Story
3/16/23: CalTrout’s The Current: Following Fish Migration Up the Pescadero Creek Watershed
1/12/23: County of San Mateo: The Top 12 of ’22
2022: California Climate Investments: Forest Health in San Mateo County – A Collaborative Approach
2022: Coastside Recovery Report: Building a More Equitable, Vibrant and Resilient Coastside Economy
11/22/22: The Six Fifty: The mysterious case of the SF Peninsula’s poop-polluted beaches
8/16/22: Half Moon Bay Review and Pacifica Tribune: Having faith in the forest
5/15/22: Half Moon Bay Review: County clears fire fuel from Quarry Park
5/10/22: Half Moon Bay Review: RCD hopes to join in city’s climate plan
5/5/22: OpenRoad: Treasures of the San Francisco Peninsula (Episode 76)
Spring 2022: CalTrout’s The Current: Sustaining Steelhead Populations in the Bay Area’s Backyard
3/9/22: Half Moon Bay Review: Harbor District, RCD wade through water projects
2/16/22: Half Moon Bay Review: Agencies take stock of fire risk on Coastside
11/23/21: Half Moon Bay Review: San Mateo County RCD honored for work to aid coho
11/20/2021: San Mateo Daily Journal: San Mateo County crops show $37M loss in value
5/22/2021: San Mateo Daily Journal: San Mateo County approves garter snake protections (Download PDF)
1/8/2021: NOAA Fisheries: Endangered Coho Salmon Released into Pescadero Creek
11/18/2020: Half Moon Bay Review: New Life – Coho salmon released into Pescadero Creek
(Download PDF)
8/12/2020: Half Moon Bay Review: RCD repairing stream crossing in Pescadero Creek Park
2/12/2020: Half Moon Bay Review: CalFire awards grant to conservation districts
2/5/2020: Press Release: Barbara Kossy Named President of RCD
12/6/19: SF Chronicle Open Forum: What we can learn from the saving of a San mateo county creek
11/7/2019: Daily Journal: Long-awaited Butano Creek restoration project finished
11/5/2019: SF Chronicle: Restoring a San Mateo County creek to help fish thrive
6/26/2019: Half Moon Bay Review: RCD to start dredging Butano Creek
3/18/2019: Long sought creek restoration in Pescadero takes major step
12/19/2018: Half Moon Bay Review: District builds ponds for farmers
10/10/2018: Carbon Farming Bears Different Fruit
8/15/2018: Project to Reduce Flooding and Restore Fish Habitat in Pescadero Begins
Fall 2017: Not a moment to spare
8/8/2017: Pescadero community restores historic floodplain
7/14/2017: Millions allocated toward Butano Creek restoration
Fall/Winter 2016: Opening up the historic spawning grounds within the Pescadero watershed
6/15/2016: Supervisors fund water needs assessment
4/26/17: County takes stock of agricultural water needs
4/20/2016: High bacteria levels entering the ocean, RCD says smart landscaping can reduce pollution
10/7/2015: Event focuses on weed killer, some concerned about use of RoundUp
8/10/2015: RCD and POST receive nearly $1 million for floodplain restoration
3/12/2015: Women’s Hall of Fame
2/26/2015: Celebrating 75 years of getting down and dirty
11/28/2014: RCD presents conceptual Pescadero flooding solutions
11/13/2014: South Coast gets nearly $4 million in drought relief, RCD awarded grant from State
7/24/2014: Dry times plague local growers, new equipment helps them cope
5/2/2014: A state of harmony (video)
2/27/2014: Dogs, cattle not main culprits in harbor pollution
1/8/2014: County hires first “agbudsman”
9/11/2013: San Mateo RCD helps threatened steelhead access 40 miles of habitat
9/5/2013: Restoration effort benefits steelhead trout in San Francisquito Creek
8/9/2013: Creek project will help endangered fish run free
6/6/2013: Study pinpoints harbor’s pollution problem
3/22/2013: Restoration work on the San Francisquito Creek spearheaded by local conservation group (video)
6/19/2012: Innovative biochar trials at Cabrillo Farms
10/20/2011: RCD offers workshops to livestock owners
6/29/2011: Conservation district reaps unprecedented funding
6/17/2011: San Mateo County RCD awarded $1.3 million for partnerships in resource protection
3/16/2010: Geotourism comes to the Coastside
11/25/2008: RCD president awarded for service
10/1/2008: Community volunteers aid circulation study at Pillar Point
9/5/2008: Officials trying to solve mystery of harbor bacteria
9/2/2008: NOAA awards Monterey Bay area environmental education grants
6/25/2008: Officials study harbor water quality
Landscape photo credit: Ron Sturgeon