Request for Qualifications: Forest Health & Fire Resiliency

Download the complete RFQ here. The San Mateo Resource Conservation District (RCD) is seeking contractors to support the RCD’s Forest Health and Fire Resiliency (FHFR) Program which includes forest management and fuel reduction projects throughout San Mateo County,...

Alpine Creek Fish Passage Project Complete!

As of Fall 2019, the RCD has completed the Alpine Creek Fish Passage project in the San Gregorio watershed! This project restores three miles of habitat for fish like steelhead and coho salmon by modifying a culvert, removing a fish ladder and failing weirs, and...

Invasive Species Alert!

We are sad to report that the highly invasive species New Zealand Mudsnail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) has been found in Pescadero Creek. This snail has been linked to the displacement of food sources critical to threatened and endangered salmonids that call the...

Happy Gratitude Day from the RCD!

We hope that you spend this day with friends and family, enjoying good company in a beautiful setting – we’re remembering how lucky we are to live in this place!

New Pet Waste Stations in Moss Beach

You may have noticed two new pet waste stations were recently installed in the San Vicente Creek watershed, flowing to the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve, to help address bacterial water pollution from pet waste. The RCD monitors water quality in San Vicente Creek and...