Dark Gulch

October 2020: Dark Gulch creek crossing repair on Old Haul Road in Pescadero Creek County Park is complete on schedule (in spite of the 2-week hiatus while the construction crew helped fight the CZU Lightning Complex Fires) Project Overview (Presented to RCD Board...

In Solidarity, In Service

The San Mateo RCD stands in solidarity with the Black community against systemic racism and injustice.  Racism and inequality are antithetical to our mission to help people – all people – help the land. We are committed to solidarity and to supporting...

Covid-19 Field Protocol

During the current global pandemic, our lives are changing day-by-day as new information comes to light. The San Mateo Resource Conservation District (RCD) is dedicated to the health and safety of our community, workers, and the environment. To ensure the health and...

Request for Bids: Slender False Brome Program

The San Mateo Resource Conservation District seeks an outstanding team of professionals to implement integrated pest management projects, including control of slender false brome (Brachypodium sylvaticum) and hanging sedge (Carex pendula) throughout San Mateo County,...