El Granada Wildfire Resiliency Scoping Project: Presentation of Results

Join us to learn about the results of the El Granada Wildfire Resiliency Scoping Project on Tuesday, June 28, 6-7:30pm, via Zoom.  The purpose of the project is to advance solutions to help reduce the risk of wildfire to the community in and around El Granada. At this...

(CLOSED) Job Opportunity: Wildfire Resiliency Program Manager

Download a copy of this posting here.  BACKGROUND The San Mateo Resource Conservation District (RCD) seeks a Wildfire Resiliency Program Manager to support the fire resilience and ecological health of local forests and help protect communities at the Wildland Urban...

Request for Bids: Mindego Creek Fish Passage Project

Download the complete bid package here. The San Mateo Resource Conservation District (SMRCD) welcomes contractors to bid on the Mindego Creek Fish Passage (Project) to restore fish passage to 5 miles of habitat in the San Gregorio Creek watershed. Project activities...