The San Mateo Resource Conservation District (RCD), as Lead Agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), issued a Notice of Exemption for the San Gregorio Creek Habitat Enhancement Phase III (project). This project is exempt under CEQA according to Class 33, Section 15333: Small Habitat Restoration Projects. The project is for the purpose of habitat restoration and protection of fish and wildlife habitat and is less than five acres in size. There would be no significant adverse impact on endangered, rare, or threatened species and the project will specifically result in improved habitat for threatened and endangered species.

Project Summary
This project will enhance creek habitat to benefit species at risk of extinction including steelhead and coho salmon. Creek habitat will be improved through installation of natural habitat features that increase complexity to provide the diversity of habitat fish need to forage, take refuge, rest, rear, and spawn. The 14 habitat features will be installed over a half mile of lower San Gregorio Creek in unincorporated San Mateo County and will utilize on-site materials where possible. Implementation is expected to take place in 2024.

The Notice of Exemption and Exemption Discussion can be found on the Office of Planning and Research CEQAnet Web Portal here (State Clearinghouse Number 2022110382).