Help the RCD

How to help the RCD

With your support we can help wildlife and farms thrive, ensure clean and reliable water, and combat climate change.  Please donate your money, time, or expertise.


More than 90% of our budget comes from grants.  Your donation is critical in filling the gap that remains to help protect the vitality of our landscape. Your tax-deductible donation is leveraged at about a 300:1 ratio making a very effective use of your charitable dollars.

Most donors and foundations give to the RCD directly as a tax-deductible donation. If your donor advised fund requires the recipient to be a 501c3, please contact for how you can give.


If you own or manage lands in San Mateo County, there may be an opportunity to partner to conserve our natural resources. Reach out to if you’re interested in stewarding your lands. 


From participating in community science programs to helping in the office, you can support our mission. Email if you’re interested in potentially volunteering to support our mission.