The Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District (MROSD) has released their Climate Action Plan! As an advisor and partner of MROSD, the RCD is excited to play our role in this initiative to reduce emissions related to livestock & agriculture and to increase soil carbon sequestration.


Climate change is a direct threat to Midpen’s mission to acquire and preserve a regional greenbelt of open space land in perpetuity. Now and in the future, climate change has wide-reaching consequences for the Bay Area’s natural environment and the people who depend on it. Greenhouse gases released from burning fossil fuels for transportation and energy are changing our climate. As a result, we are already seeing warmer temperatures, changes to plant and animal habitat ranges, more intense wildfires, sea level rise, and more frequent droughts and floods.

On October 10, 2018, the Midpen Board of Directors adopted a Climate Action Plan to minimize the impact our operations as an agency have on the climate, our community, and the surrounding natural environment. Midpen is seizing the opportunity to lead by example and be part of the solution. From the energy we use, to which lands we preserve, to how we manage open space, this Climate Action Plan is our roadmap to meeting aggressive voluntary greenhouse gas reduction goals.

Read the full article here.