Año Nuevo Wetland Restoration Project
The Año Nuevo Wetland Restoration Project restores degraded habitats that once supported a variety of wildlife species, including the California red-legged frog (CRLF, Rana draytonii) and the San Francisco garter snake (SFGS, Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia) which are at risk of extinction. The RCD is working with our project partner State Parks and our contractor, Hanford ARC, to restore the historic wetlands at Año Nuevo State Park just west of Highway 1. The project has been explicitly designed, in consultation with CDFW and USFWS.
The project will:
- Restore the natural hydrology of the site and raise the seasonal groundwater table to support historic wet meadow, riparian, and other seasonal wetland habitats
- Enhance habitat for native flora and fauna with a specific focus on CRLF and SFGS
- Reduce or eliminate, where feasible, the need for human intervention and maintenance of the habitats with the understanding that the site is not an island and may continue to require noxious weed management.
- Phase I: July 20, 2022 to October 15, 2022
- Phase II: July 2023 to October 2023
More Information
The CEQA permit is available online, other permits available upon request. The RCD will post updates on this webpage as well as on project signs at the project site.
RCD Contact: Christina Kelleher, Christina@sanmateoRCD.org
Partners: State Parks, Hanford ARC, Wildlife Conservation Board

Año Nuevo Wetland Restoration Project site

Hanford ARC pulling dirt from the pond berm to fill agricultural ditch channels

Biologist relocating a California red-legged frog away from construction activities