Urban Farming Assistance
Urban farming, which includes school gardens, community gardens, and working farms in urbanized areas, is increasing across the Bay Area as a way to build a local food supply, provide community gathering space, and provide gardening and farming educational activities. Although urban farms in San Mateo County are typically smaller than their rural counterparts, similar natural resource concerns still apply. Farmers and gardeners want to conserve water quantity and quality, enhance soil and plant health, develop pollinator and wildlife habitat, and reduce energy use and waste.
Check out the RCD’s 2020 Open Edible Gardens Virtual Tour, which highlights a few successful examples of urban agriculture in San Mateo County.
In order to support urban farms in their integration of conservation farming practices, the San Mateo RCD offered an Urban Farm Conservation Technical Assistance & Mini Grant Program in 2019. The San Mateo RCD continues to help urban farms to develop a conservation plan and provide funding towards implementation of conservation practices. Contact us for more information.
- UC Cooperative Extension – San Mateo and San Francisco Counties
- San Mateo County Office of Sustainability
- USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS)
RCD Contact: Kasey Butler