Integrated Watershed Restoration Program

Integrated Watershed Restoration Program

Integrated Watershed Restoration Program         IWRP facilitates high priority conservation projects through coordination of resource agencies with funding and permitting authorities. It helps these state, federal and local agencies meet their...

Clean Water

Clean Water The RCD Water Quality Program supports clean creeks, beaches and the ocean for humans and wildlife by working with property owners such as marinas, farms, ranches, parks, and homeowners to protect water quality. Work includes water quality monitoring,...

Rural Roads Assistance

Rural Roads Assistance         For many rural landowners and managers in coastal San Mateo County, erosion and washouts of unpaved roads disrupt access and lead to costly repairs and annual maintenance. Additionally the soil erosion and runoff...

Erosion and Sediment Management

Erosion and Sediment Management      Gullies are common erosional features in San Mateo County, and can deliver significant amounts of sediment to local coastal creeks and streams where excess sediment harms habitat for fish and other aquatic species. For landowners...

Habitat Restoration

Habitat Restoration         San Gregorio and Pescadero creeks are central California coastal streams where coho salmon and steelhead trout once occurred in great abundance. Their survival is now threatened by a lack of adequate habitat. The RCD has...