The San Mateo Resource Conservation District welcomes contractors to bid on the Alpine Creek Fish Passage Project located at the intersection of Pescadero Creek Road and Alpine Creek Road, La Honda CA. This Project will allow access for both adult and juvenile salmonids to approximately 3 miles of quality spawning and rearing habitat over the full range of the fish passage design flows.
The purpose of this request for bids is to select a contractor to modify the road crossing on Pescadero Creek Road at Alpine Creek Road and the reach of Alpine Creek directly downstream of the culvert to improve migratory conditions for focal species (coho salmon, steelhead trout, Pacific lamprey). In order to achieve the objective of unfettered adult and juvenile passage through this site, restoration actions will include: lowering the base of culvert and installing a new culvert floor with sediment retention baffles to create a natural bed; and reconstructing 300 linear feet of stream channel downstream of the culvert at a 4% grade to match the new culvert invert.
Bids for the Alpine Creek Fish Passage Project must be received by the RCD by 5:00 pm (PT) on Thursday, May 2nd, 2019. For questions, contact Jarrad Fisher by email at
Please see the following associated documents and permits:
- Request for Bids – Alpine Fish Passage Project – San Mateo RCD
1.1 Addendum 1 – 4-19-2019 - Permit – Department of Fish and Wildlife – 2017 Fisheries Habitat Restoration Project Mitigated Negative Declatation
- Permit – US Army Corps Regional General Permit – Salmonid Restoration
- Geotechnical Report – CMAG