Download the complete bid package here.
The San Mateo Resource Conservation District (RCD) welcomes contractors to bid on the Butano Creek Backfield Floodplain and Streamflow Enhancement Project (Project) to implement a floodplain and creek restoration project that will provide improved habitat for species at risk of extinction. The project is located along Butano Creek in Pescadero, California.
The RCD, in partnership with Peninsula Open Space Trust and Trout Unlimited, designed this Project to benefit Central California Coast coho salmon, Central California Coast steelhead trout, California red-legged frog, San Francisco garter snake, and other native species as well as implement recommendations from the Pescadero-Butano Sediment TMDL. The Project includes floodplain reconnection, improved channel complexity, and instream flow enhancement components, which will benefit Butano Creek and adjacent floodplain and terrestrial habitats. The Project will create 4.2 acres of stage zero floodplain by lowering the current floodplain surface, allowing the stream to access the lowered floodplain during winter baseflow conditions. The Project will implement in-channel habitat features to improve complexity and arrest incision as well as add roughness elements to the floodplain to improve forage and shelter for salmonids and other amphibian species. The Project will also increase dry-season flows in Butano Creek by expanding an existing off-channel storage pond from 3.5 to 16.2 acre-feet.
A mandatory pre-bid tour will be held at the Project site. Attendance is required for all bidders. RSVPs for the pre-bid tour are required.
When: April 19, 2023 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Where: 4350 Cloverdale Road in Pescadero, San Mateo County, California (driving and parking directions will be provided upon RSVP)
RSVP: Email by April 17, 2023 at 4:00 pm
Bids are due by May 15, 2023 at 5:00 pm to
A virtual public opening of the bids will be held on May 16, 2023 at 4:00 pm on Zoom. Information below.

Photo 1. View from entrance to Backfield looking to the West across the field.

Photo 2. View from the middle of the field along the stream looking South towards the pond.

Photo 3. View from the pond embankment looking North across field towards Butano Creek.