Download the complete bid package here.
The San Mateo Resource Conservation District welcomes contractors to bid on the San Bruno Mountain Owl & Buckeye Canyon Habitat Enhancement Project (Project) to implement a 47-acre management project to benefit butterfly species at risk of extinction. Project activities focus on restoration of native grassland habitat that supports all life stages of the butterfly species.
The purpose of this request for bids is to select a contractor for the Project to conduct the following activities: 1. control and reduce cover of primary target invasive species throughout the project area (47 acres); 2. reduce encroachment of undesirable woody scrub species into historical grassland habitat, focusing on ridgelines (22 acres); 3. increase cover of native grassland, host, and nectar species through planting and seeding (3,200 plants over 16 acres); 4. control nonnative annual grasses and target invasive species around existing and newly planted habitat islands; and 5. maintain restoration thresholds for five years following implementation. Implementation of these measures will enhance habitat for the federally endangered mission blue butterfly, San Bruno elfin butterfly, and callippe silverspot butterfly, and for the federally threatened bay checkerspot butterfly.
A mandatory pre-bid tour will be held at the Project site. Attendance is required for all bidders. RSVPs for the pre-bid tour are required.
When: June 21, 2022 from 9:00 to 11:00 am
Where: San Bruno Mountain State and County Park in Brisbane, CA
(meeting location and driving directions will be provided upon RSVP)
RSVP: Email christina@sanmateoRCD.org by June 20, 2022 at 4:00 pm
Bids are due by Friday, July 15, 2022 at NOON to christina@sanmateoRCD.org
A virtual public opening of the bids will be held the same day (July 15) at 3:00 pm on Zoom at the link below. Contact Christina for additional Zoom information.