Request for Qualifications – San Mateo RCD Forest Health and Fire Resiliency Program Services

The San Mateo Resource Conservation District (RCD) is seeking contractors to support the RCD’s Forest Health and Fire Resiliency Program, by providing support with forest management, ecosystem restoration, and fuel reduction projects throughout San Mateo County. 

Several project types are covered by this program, and the RCD is seeking multiple qualified Contractors (e.g. California Registered Professional Forester, Environmental Planner, Biologist) to support activities related to: 

  • Project planning, surveying, mapping, and development of management plans, including, but not limited to forest management plans, grazing management plans, vegetation management plans, revegetation plans, invasive species removal plans, pest/diseased tree removal plans, etc. 
  • Permitting and environmental compliance (e.g. California Environmental Quality Act, Coastal Act, Forest Practice Act, County of San Mateo tree ordinances) including, but not limited to, California Vegetation Treatment Program Project Specific Analyses, Timber Harvest Plans, Notices of Emergency Timber Operations, Forest Fire Prevention Exemptions, Prescribed Burn Plans, Smoke Management Plans, Non-Industrial Timber Management Plans, CEQA Notices of Exemption, Archaeological Survey Reports, avoidance and minimization measures, and biological and botanical survey reports. 
  • Support overseeing project implementation for fuel reduction, tree removal, revegetation, etc. 
  • Grant and proposal writing support 
  • Participation in the development of outreach materials and participation in outreach efforts with stakeholders.

An optional pre-submission virtual meeting will be held on August 13, 2024 at 2:00 pm, which will allow prospective consultants to ask questions regarding the program and subsequent potential projects. All questions and answers will be posted online.

Submittals will be accepted until September 4, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. to Late submissions will not be considered.