Request for Bids: Dark Gulch Crossing Stabilization Project
The San Mateo Resource Conservation District (RCD) invites contractors to bid on the Old Haul Road Dark Gulch Crossing Stabilization Project (Project) located in Pescadero Creek County Park, in San Mateo County, CA. The project will stabilize a failing crossing on Old...
Request for Qualifications: Forest Health & Fire Resiliency
Download the complete RFQ here. The San Mateo Resource Conservation District (RCD) is seeking contractors to support the RCD’s Forest Health and Fire Resiliency (FHFR) Program which includes forest management and fuel reduction projects throughout San Mateo County,...
Request for Proposals: Butano Creek Streamflow Improvement Project at Oku Nursery
The San Mateo Resource Conservation District (RCD) is searching for an outstanding contractor to create designs and install a poly-liner on a 10-acre foot pond at Oku Nursery in Pescadero, CA. The project goal is to improve water security for Oku Nursery and improve...
Request for Bids: Butano Farms Habitat Enhancement Pilot Project
The San Mateo Resource Conservation District (RCD) seeks qualified contractors to bid on the Butano Farms Habitat Enhancement Pilot Project (Project). This Project will enhance habitat for San Francisco garter snake and California red-legged frog. The Project consists...
Request for Bids: Loma Mar Water Tank Installation
Download the full RFB here. The San Mateo Resource Conservation District (RCD) is searching for an outstanding Contractor to install four 4999k gallon water tanks in the town of Loma Mar, CA. The project goal is to improve water security for the community and instream...