Carbon farming practices can help build soil health on your property, benefit local ecosystems, and combat climate change.
Join us for this free webinar to learn about the practices and their benefits, as well as programs that can help you to pay for them. Get help paying for practices like compost application, cover crops, hedgerows and more. Funding programs include Healthy Soils Program (CDFA), Farm Bill Program (EQIP/NRCS), and Zero Food Print.
The workshop will be held April 1st @ 7pm. Register by clicking here.
This workshop will also be offered in Spanish.
En español: 5 de Abril @ 7pm. Registrese aqui. (Más información debajo.)
Las prácticas agrícolas que “siembran carbono” pueden ayudar a construir suelos fértiles, beneficiar a los ecosistemas locales y combatir el cambio climático.
Acompáñenos en este seminario web gratuito para aprender sobre la siembra de carbono, sus prácticas y beneficios, y varios programas que le pueden ayudar a implementarlas mediante asistencia técnica y financiera.